Saturday, December 31, 2011


Stuffed germs! (A must for nursing...)
            For the past couple of days I’ve been a victim of preschool germs. My half sister (I’ll call her Goober here) had been sick for the past couple of days with something a friend gave her at preschool. Despite my efforts of hand washing and avoiding coughs, I caught the germs. While I’m feeling much better now the beginning of this week was a little rough, but through all this sickness I’ve enjoyed one thing. Rest.
        My favorite part about being sick (sounds backwards right?) is that you have nothing to do, no schedule to keep, all you need to do is rest. As I began to feel better it was nice just to lounge around, without a busy schedule to keep up and coffee dates to go to. I enjoyed watching 27 Dresses and Tangled over and over again, dozing off when I wanted to! It was the first time in a long while that I had been able to read for pleasure.  While I wanted to be up finishing some dresses that I had started or putting the back on my quilt, these germs kept me in bed getting some well needed rest.
        In Genesis when God created the earth even He took a day of rest. “Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.” If the creator of heaven and earth took a day to rest, then shouldn’t I? Why should it take a bunch of preschool germs to make me rest? Shouldn’t I take care of myself and take a step back from the full schedule, the to-do lists, and the rushing?
        My sick days were a good reminder that I need to rest or God will make me rest, because we weren’t meant to live these fast pace lifestyles that most of us have found ourselves trapped in. And it’s okay to put aside the to-do lists and just relax. Take time in your busy week for yourself, to rest and restore yourself both mentally and physically. God didn’t intend for people to go seven days a week, but to follow His example and rest! One of my favorite Psalms starts with “truly my soul finds rest in God (Psalm 62:1).” It is a good reminder that God will restore me when I’m weary and tired. So if you’re tired, run down, exhausted turn to God and He will give you rest, peace, and hope.
*Joy of the Day: watching girlie movies with my mommy, all snuggled up with warm cups of tea!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

            Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you have had a lovely morning, full of family and surprises and joy! I hope you’re also able to take some time today to remember why we celebrate today, why today is such a special day that should be honored.
            On this Christmas throw a party for Christ! It is His birthday after all. Take a moment and really think about what you are celebrating. Are you celebrating all of the presents that you got this year? Or are you celebrating that God gave you the ultimate present and there is nothing else you could ask for?  I know there is nothing that I could ask for that could make me happier. There is nothing that can be wrapped, put under the tree, or bought in a store that can compare to the joy that I have found in my relationship with Christ. It has been my favorite present, so today I am going to celebrate it! Celebrate Christ’s coming to earth as a baby, celebrate my relationship with Him and celebrate the wonderful things that He has promised to do in my future! What else could I ask for? This sounds like a joyous day of celebration to me!
            On that day many years ago an angel appeared to a group of shepherds and said to them “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.” (Luke 2:10-11) So do not fear either! This is the happiest day, celebrate it! For your Savior came to this earth as a baby, because God loves you so much He gave His son as the ultimate gift. If you want to read the whole Christmas story look at Luke 1:26-38; 46-56; 2:1-21!
            A very Merry Christmas to you and may the joy of Christ be with you on this wonderful day of celebration!
*Joy of the day: spending time with my family and friends, enjoying their company and their silliness!

Friday, December 16, 2011


     Finally. Done! No more libraries, textbooks, powerpoints, office hours, or Starbuck!!! Well at least for the next three weeks because I am done. I am finished with finals! And to reward myself I'm starting my blog that I've wanted to create for several weeks now but realized it would become a large distraction during the last few weeks of classes. And thought it might become a priority to studying during a time were studying normally becomes priority to everything, including (and most unfortunately) sleep.
     I must admit that I feel rather accomplished. I have taken three major tests this week therefore completing three courses and getting that much closer to getting into the nursing program. A friend this week said that the feeling you have after leaving your classroom upon completing your last final is the most satisfying feeling. It is one of complete freedom. And she's right, you have nothing to do! No classes to attend, no more tests to study for, you are not responsible for anything for school. And it feels wonderful!
     Now that my freedom has officially begun I want to make sure it counts. While I will be working some at the coffee shop while I'm home and catching up with friends, I still wanted to make sure that I got all of the things on my "craft check list" done! It ranges from things to finishing a quilt, to starting a dress for a friend, to scrapbooking, and to starting this blog.
      Look at that. Day one and I can already cross one thing off of my list! So here is to hoping that my productivity continues!

*Joy of the day: I saw three rainbows on my drive home from school today!!! THREE! It made the normally scenic drive that much more delightful!