- Paint your nails
- Do push-ups (helps keep me awake)
- Pack for Haiti
- Pick up my room (which is already pretty clean)
- Wrap my sister’s birthday presents
- Text people
- Fill up my water bottle
- Go to the bathroom because I keep drink my water bottle
- Calculate my grade
- Scan notes for a classmate (okay, this one is actually important)
- Write a to-do list (seems productive but actually does nothing)
- Take a nap
- Go get the mail
- Practice the piano
- Change into comfy pants
- Make dinner
- Do the dishes
- Clean up the kitchen
- Fold the sheets I was suppose to fold yesterday
- Workout
- Water the plants
- Organize my backpack
- Sharpen pencils for the test
- Find fabric for Haiti
- Ship back textbook
Twenty-five pointless things I did yesterday to keep from studying, but guess what? I am free! Done. Finished. Accomplished. And may I say it feels lovely! I feel like I am actually on summer holiday now. This is probably in part because I can now wear dresses and opened-toed shoes again since I will no longer be in a lab five days a week! I am glad I took the class, but I am even more relieved that it is out of the way.
And how am I celebrating? With shots! ...well at the doctor's office. (Nursing humor?) I have to go and get one more shot for Haiti, and I am apparently behind on a couple of others too. But after that I am celebrating with my mom, we're going out to dinner and staying up late because I don't have to get up at seven tomorrow.
*Joy of the day: Gleefully emptying out my backpack, and putting it in my "to go to Haiti" pile!
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