Tuesday, June 26, 2012


This is how to not study for a final:

  1. Paint your nails
  2. Do push-ups (helps keep me awake)
  3. Pack for Haiti
  4. Pick up my room (which is already pretty clean)
  5. Wrap my sister’s birthday presents
  6. Text people
  7. Fill up my water bottle
  8. Go to the bathroom because I keep drink my water bottle
  9. Calculate my grade
  10. Scan notes for a classmate (okay, this one is actually important)
  11. Write a to-do list (seems productive but actually does nothing)
  12. Take a nap
  13. Go get the mail
  14. Practice the piano
  15. Change into comfy pants
  16. Make dinner
  17. Do the dishes
  18. Clean up the kitchen
  19. Fold the sheets I was suppose to fold yesterday
  20. Workout
  21. Water the plants
  22. Organize my backpack
  23. Sharpen pencils for the test
  24. Find fabric for Haiti
  25. Ship back textbook
Twenty-five pointless things I did yesterday to keep from studying, but guess what? I am free! Done. Finished. Accomplished. And may I say it feels lovely! I feel like I am actually on summer holiday now. This is probably in part because I can now wear dresses and opened-toed shoes again since I will no longer be in a lab five days a week! I am glad I took the class, but I am even more relieved that it is out of the way. 

And how am I celebrating? With shots! ...well at the doctor's office. (Nursing humor?) I have to go and get one more shot for Haiti, and I am apparently behind on a couple of others too. But after that I am celebrating with my mom, we're going out to dinner and staying up late because I don't have to get up at seven tomorrow.

*Joy of the day: Gleefully emptying out my backpack, and putting it in my "to go to Haiti" pile!

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