Sunday, July 1, 2012

It's Getting Real!

I leave for Haiti on Saturday. Saturday! I can't believe it, I am so excited. I have been doing little things to prepare for the trip and now they are all starting to come together as big things. This is real and I am getting rather giddy!

I spent part of my past week building an army of teddy bears. Their ears didn't stick out like they should have but as any proud parent, I think they still look pretty cute! They were so simple to make, but my favorite part was praying for each bear. These little teddies are going to kids in orphanages, who may have never had a real toy in their life. And more importantly they may not realize how loved they are, that they are beautiful children of God. I prayed that each one of these little snuggle bears would show each child that they are loved, not only by us but by God!

When I wasn't sewing this week, I spent part of my time running around collecting things for my trip! Things like bug spray with 98.5% deet, 90 SPF sunscreen and aloe, work gloves, all those luxuries that we enjoy here in the states. Along with that I gathered up peanut butter and jelly, nail polish, soccer balls, vitamins, and other items to donate to the people of Haiti.

Tonight we packed up everything. We each will carry a 50 pound checked bag full of donated items and the items we will use in Haiti, along with a 35 pound carry-on of our personal items for the week. So tonight we had to bring our carry-on all packed to be weighed and labeled; I managed to shove everything into a backpack only reaching 16 pounds! Which is perfect since I'll be adding some extra supplies because I am the first-aider for our trip.

Taking the bags home, knowing that I'm leaving on Saturday, hearing the stories of the group that just got back; it makes it all real! I know that God is going to do big things, and I am honored to be a part of it.

*Joy of the day: Packing 50 pounds of medical equipment, as a nurse who one day hopes to do medical missions it makes my heart leap with joy!

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